一年一度的爱丁堡艺穗节(Edinburgh Festival Fringe)有一个零碎的奖项成人激情网,那就是最好见笑奖(Dave’s Funniest Joke of the Fringe),每年通过全球投票选举产生,而本年一个华侨小哥的段子在15个参赛段子中拿到了33%的选票,一举拔得头筹。
I'm not a fan of the new pound coin, but then again, I hate all change. 我不心爱新款一英镑硬币,不外我本来也愤慨扫数零钱(更正)。
The winner is called Ken Cheng, his mother is from Beijing and his dad has Hong Kong roots. Ken was born and raised up in the UK. 小哥告诉本报驻英国记者,他名叫Ken Cheng,母亲是北京东说念主,父亲是香港籍,Ken从小在英国长大,是很典型的BBC(British born Chinese)。
Ken studied mathematics at Cambridge University since 2007 but soon dropped out to become a professional poker player. 2007年,Ken被剑桥大学数学系录取,但没过多久就平直辍学转业作念起了专科扑克玩家。
He started comedy about six years ago. It was just a hobby at first and he didn't see it as a possible career until a couple of years ago. Ken reached the final of the 2015 BBC Radio New Comedy and his show ‘Two birds with one stone’ made a big success among the audience. 能够6年前,Ken运转战役笑剧见笑。刚运转笑剧于他来说只是意思意思嗜好,他从未想过会发展成作事。2015年,Ken顺利入围了BBC 举办的新笑剧比赛(New Comedy Awards)的决赛,凭借上演《两全其美》斯须俘获了无数英国不雅众。
It is Ken’s first time in Edinburgh Festival Fringe which is world’s largest arts festival. He was surprised the joke won the award because it had been a “groaner”. 本年是Ken初次干涉爱丁堡艺穗节,亦然Ken初次谢寰球级的艺术节上崭露头角。让Ken莫开心想的是,当初对新一英镑硬币刊行后的少许吐槽就让他能得回如斯大的荣誉。
“It was when they announced they were going to come up with a new coin, so I first came up with it in 2014.” 这个主张领先是2014年有的,那时正晓示说要狡计新的硬币技俩。
“Audiences tend to groan at it a lot. I’m generally going after laughs, but I’ll take the groan.” 不雅众对此(新一英镑硬币)吐槽了许多,我只是勤快搞笑,然而也会禁受那些吐槽。
“The joke of the Fringe award is such a prestigious thing, and ultimately it’s just a fun thing to be involved in. I really enjoy it, and people seem to enjoy talking about it.” 能得回艺穗节最好见笑奖我异常行运,而且能参与其中也异常的好玩,我很心爱,东说念主们看起来也很心爱酌量这个话题。
“As a tribute, I will name my firstborn son after this award and call him ‘Joke of the Fringe’” 我决定这次获奖之后,给我第一个犬子就取名为‘艺穗节最好见笑’,以示牵挂。
妖媚婷儿 户外
卫报:Ken Cheng的一镑硬币段子被选为爱丁堡艺穗节最可笑见笑
“It’s been good for exposure, and I hope people come to see my show because of it, even though the joke doesn't represent the show very well and it’s just one joke, but I’m very proud of the show, it's something different and I’m glad I’m getting that exposure because of it.” 有媒体曝光很好成人激情网,我也但愿东说念主们因此皆来不雅看我的上演,即使这个见笑弗成很好的代表我的上演,而且这只是只是一个见笑,但我对我方的上演异常自重,它很尽头,我也很兴隆能因此带来更多的闻明度。
2. Trump’s nothing like Hitler. There’s no way he could write a book. 特朗普和希特勒少许皆不像,他可不像希特勒那样有文化能写出一册书来。
3. I’ve given up asking rhetorical questions. What's the point? 我以后再也不说反问句了。有道理吗?(注:‘有道理吗’自己就是反问句)
4. I’m looking for the girl-next-door type. I’m just gonna keep moving house till I find her. 我心爱邻家女孩那样的小姐,是以为了能找到这样一个小姐,我到处搬家换邻居。
5. I like to imagine the guy who invented the umbrella was going to call it the ‘brella’. But he hesitated. 一运转发明雨伞(umbrella)的东说念主本来是想叫它伞(brella),但他犹豫了一下。(注:犹豫时会英国东说念主一般会说ummm(恩…)来示意想登科)
6. Combine Harvesters. And you’ll have a really big restaurant. 把扫数的收割机引诱起来。这样咱们就会领有一间很大的餐厅。(注:英国有一家连锁餐厅就叫Harvesters)
7. I’m rubbish with names. It’s not my fault, it’s a condition. There’s a name for it… 我记不住名字。这也不是我的问题,而是一种特别,这特别叫什么来着.....
8. I have two boys, five and six. We’re no good at naming things in our house. 我家有两个男孩,别离是五岁和六岁,哎,咱们家果真是不擅长起名字
9. I wasn’t particularly close to my dad before he died… which was lucky, because he trod on a landmine. 在我父亲示寂前,我并莫得和他很亲近。不外这亦然功德,毕竟他是踩到地雷才……(注:close英文有亲近和距离近的道理)
10. Whenever someone says ‘I don’t believe in coincidences’, I say ‘Oh my God, me neither!’ 每当有东说念主说“我不确信恰巧”,我立马会说“太巧了!我亦然!”
1. Laugh at yourself 自嘲
2. The key to understanding British humour is to know not to take yourself too seriously and to highlight your own flaws as much as possible. English people love to make jokes out of their own failures so as to show a more humble, approachable personality. 流畅英式幽默重要要学会自嘲况兼极大的放大个东说念主的颓势。英国东说念主心爱拿我方的失败来开打趣,以此来展现出更谦善,可接近的形象。
Example:I am so bad at cooking –I could burn water 例:我作念饭尽头糟糕,皆能把水滴燃了。
3. Sarcasm and irony 讥嘲讽谕
4. Self-deprecation with a dose of understated sarcasm equals the soul of British humour. But sarcasm and irony are often produced with a deadpan delivery that will leave people wondering if it was a joke or not. 自我含糊再加上少许讥嘲就是英式幽默的精髓了,然而许多技术这种讥嘲讲出来时讲话东说念主皆是一张淡薄脸,让东说念主很难分辨他是不是在讲见笑。
Sarcasm can be hard to spot in a new culture. The usual clues include an overemphasis on adjectives but British people even stress that less, making it even harder to understand. But it is used so often by British people in day-to-day life and people will detect it soon once they are used to the context. 讥嘲在全新的文化中很难流畅,一般能从描画词加剧部分听出来,然而英国东说念主却连这种教唆皆很少展现,然而英国东说念主在生存中很心爱这种讥嘲,一朝纯熟风尚了语言布景东说念主们就能嗅觉出来了。
Example:I absolutely love it when my train is delayed. 例:火车又误点了,好兴隆啊。
5. Don’t take what they say seriously 别当真
British people are famous for being gentle and polite, but they do sometimes offend you with some tongue-in-cheek comments. Don’t get them wrong. These are not mean-spirited statements but rather a playful exchange of verbal sparring delivered with a smiling face and no apology. 英国东说念主以闻东说念主轨则而著称,但他们有时也会用一些‘虚情假心’的话来‘袭击’你,不要当真,他们其实并莫得坏心,只不外是笑着说出一些开打趣的俏皮话,说完也不说念歉资料。
Example:I can’t be friends with someone who doesn’t drink tea! 例:我才不跟不喝茶的东说念主作念一又友呢!
(泉源:中国日报网 剪辑:Julie)成人激情网